How Great Writing Is Like Jazz Music | Writer’s Relief

Apr 17, 2024 | Writing Tips

How Great Writing Is Like Jazz Music | Writer’s Relief

Intriguing combinations, riveting complexity, lots of creativity: You could be describing a remarkable poem, short story, or novel…or great jazz music. While listening to a jazz playlist can help inspire your writing sessions, the submission strategists at Writer’s Relief know that including elements found in jazz music can also improve your writing and boost your odds of getting published. Here’s how great writing is a lot like exceptional jazz music.

Jazz Music Elements That Can Enhance Your Writing

Dynamic Soul

Listening to good jazz music can make you feel buoyant joy or deep emotion. When writing, try to infuse your work with the same type of energy. Good writing evokes emotions in both the writer and the reader. You don’t want your writing to be rote and all one note. Readers respond to writing that comes from the heart.


Jazz musicians are famous for improvising and embellishing. They take an idea or a piece that’s already written and then rework it, turning it into something fresh and new.

In the same way, you can improve on your writing by improvising—rewriting and editing! Like a talented jazz musician, follow your creative instincts. Maybe you’ll cut out a sentence or a character, or try an entire scene from a different angle.

Mastery Of Multiple Components

Having multiple instruments playing together can create an amazing tapestry of sound. The jazz singer gives voice to the song, the saxophone and bass support the melody, and it’s all tied together by the beat of the drums.

Writing also combines many different elements in order to be successful: grammar, metaphor, plot twists, characters, and more. It takes mastery and smart usage of these many writing elements to weave together a story or poem that readers will enjoy.


Sometimes jazz is a solo, just like writing is a solitary process. But you can also make beautiful music collaborating with other writers. Whether you work with a cowriter or have your current project critiqued by your writing group, teaming up with other writers can help improve your writing.

By incorporating elements of jazz music into your writing process, you can make your words truly sing!

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