Your days and weeks are hectic, but you still squeeze in writing time by grabbing a few minutes here or an hour there. But writing under pressure is going to catch up with you. You may have lots of great ideas, but one day, instead of writing, you’ll simply give in to fatigue. Instead of feeling inspired and motivated, you’ll be exhausted and stressed. When you’re too tired to write, take the advice of the experts at Writer’s Relief on how to beat burnout and reignite your creativity.
How To Beat Burnout And Get Back To Writing
Take A Break
It may seem counterproductive, but sometimes the best way to get back to writing is to not write at all. During time in your schedule that you have blocked off for writing, put down the pen and walk away from the computer. Sign up for pottery classes, binge-watch a new series, or plan a weekend getaway. Take an extended break from writing. Once you’ve given your creative batteries time to recharge, you’ll be able to tackle your works-in-progress or start some new projects.
Change Your Schedule
If you usually write on the weekends, switch to writing on weekday evenings. Or, instead of writing every day, choose only two days when you’ll focus on writing. The schedule change doesn’t have to be permanent, just long enough for you to feel inspired and refreshed.
Write Out Of Order
Shake things up by writing out of sequence. Stay motivated by writing that fight scene you’ve been dying to get on the page, instead of writing chronologically. Whether it’s action-packed or filled with intriguing backstory, writing a scene you feel enthusiastic about will keep you engaged in the process.
Switch Genres
If you’re stuck in a creative rut, try writing in another genre. You might try rewriting existing work: Turn your thriller into a comedy, or use words, images, and ideas from one of your poems to write a full scene. You can also create something from scratch in a different genre. The new ideas and perspectives you gain from dabbling in the tropes and styles of different genres can revitalize both you and your writing.
Sleep On It
Burning the midnight oil and hoping to cram in a few more paragraphs or verses might seem like the smart thing to do, but it can also aggravate your burnout symptoms. Not everyone requires eight hours of sleep (some need more, others need less), so you should experiment to determine how much sleep you need to feel refreshed and rested.
Sleeping also promotes creativity by allowing your mind to reset and reenergize. And dreams can be a source of new ideas—or reveal connections in your current work that you hadn’t noticed while awake and writing.
Hire An Assistant
You already have so much to do: your day job, your everyday tasks and responsibilities, your weekend plans. When you add in writing and researching where to submit your work for publication, it’s no wonder you’re feeling burned out!
You may not be able to hire an assistant to run your errands or sweep your floors, but Writer’s Relief can help with some of your writing tasks. Our research experts will pinpoint the best markets for your submissions to boost your odds of getting published. You won’t have to spend hours and hours determining which markets are right (and eliminating the markets that are wrong)—you can just focus on writing. Learn more about our services, and submit your writing sample to our Review Board today!
By following these tips, you’ll be able to banish burnout, destress, and truly enjoy the time you spend writing.
Question: How do you deal with burnout?